Wednesday, 24 September 2014

College Magazine

College Magazine Layout Plan

College Magazine Reasearch

Here are some images I have researched for inspiration on what to base my college magazine front cover on. This gives me ideas on what features to add to my magazine front cover and, things to consider not to put in it. The name of my magazine will be called Crownwoods College. This is just so that it is kept simple and complications are kept to a minimun so that the students know by first viewing what it is.

I noticed that all these images have similarites. For example the masthead at the top is very large and are often colourful. This is possibly to attract attentionof the audience when they see it. They all also feature a midshot of their model looking happy. This is to reinforce the possible feeling of happiness into the students reading it.

However, they all different shot angle as some of them the model is looking directly into the camera while others it is from a low angle looking up.

music collage