Friday, 27 February 2015

Chosen Title and font

I have decided that the chosen title for my magazine cover is going to be URBAN magazine. This is because I feel like it is a name that my audience can relate to as it shows the type of personalities it is targeted at. The name represents the genre of music that the magazine is aimed at which is what was intended. This is so that when people see the name URBAN they instantly relate it to rap/hip-hop and RnB music.

The font I have chosen also is in a style that can be related to the genre my magazine is aimed at. This is beacsue it is in a style that is very 'urban' and youthful. It is a very friendly font that will appeal to the target audinece that it is aimed at as it is friendly to younger generations. Also the R in this style allows it to be very distinctive in comparsion with other magazines and gives it an element that makes it stand out.

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